Welcome to my 55+ website info tab. After working with a variety of individuals in this age group (of which I'm now included) it became very evident that a one-stop info spot was very much needed. What's important to someone age 55+ is not so important to someone 30+. Our needs change as we mature. Example: Being closer to doctors and healthcare providers in general, having a manageable (typically one story) home, access to a variety of recreational activities etc.
With this said, that's why after years of working with clients 55+ I decided it was time to not only provide additional information in an easy to access spot... but also to acquire my SRES ( Senior Real Estate Specialist ) designation. This specialty designation is your assurance that I have done my homework when it comes to helping you or your loved ones transition easily to the next phase of life and its unique adventures. So whether it's downsizing, moving closer to town, or wanting to sell your current residence to move to a retirement community... where life's everyday chores are taken care of.... I can help. Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or for an appt. I look forward to meeting you.

Confused About Housing Options?
Shiela Ford at Living Well Senior can help.
As the landscape of the senior living industry is shifting every day, Shiela Ford, senior placement advisor at LIVING WELL SENIOR, can help you navigate the many choices in senior living that include memory care, assisted living, adult family homes, and independent living.